We're sad to see that you're leaving, and we wish you good luck on your YouTube journey! Check down below for instructions on how to uninstall TubeBuddy and revoke channel permission.


Uninstall the TubeBuddy Browser Extension

To remove TubeBuddy from your browser extension, you simply need to follow the instructions below based on what browser you have

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-or-remove-add-ons

Chrome:  https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/2664769?hl=en

Please note - even after you uninstall, TubeBuddy will have access to your account through the YouTube API so you can follow the last set of instructions on this page to revoke access. Of course, we don't do anything with your channel if you don't have TubeBuddy installed anymore but for the sake of transparency and security, we want to make you aware of this.

Uninstall TubeBuddy Mobile App

To remove TubeBuddy on Mobile, please follow the instructions below.

iOS: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207618

Android: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2521768?hl=en

Delete My TubeBuddy Account

To close down your account and revoke TubeBuddy's access to your YouTube channel(s) follow the instructions below

1) Go to https://www.tubebuddy.com/account/deleteuser

2) Click Yes, Delete My Account

Remove a Channel From My TB Dashboard

If you simply want to remove a Channel from your TubeBuddy.com/Account page, click the red X in the top right corner of the box. If you have a license tied to the channel, you will need to cancel your license first. 

NOTE - you can only remove it if it doesn't have an active license. If you are a paying customer, then please cancel your license first.